Thursday, 9/19/24
Thursday, 10/17/24
Thursday, 11/21/24
Thursday, 12/19/24
Thursday, 1/16/25
Thursday, 2/20/25
Thursday, 3/20/25
April is TBD
Thursday, 5/22/24
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
In the cafeteria
You must be here by 1:45 pm.
Bring your own bags.
You will be allowed two bags of food per visit.
Data from 2023-2024 School Year
The Student Support Network and other donations from community organizations, about $35,000 worth of household items, gift cards, and food items were provided to CMS families. Through the Maryland Food Bank, we were able to give out about 12,000 pounds of food at our monthly pantries to CMS families and other members of the community. Thank you to all who offered your time and donations!
For more information please email Mrs. Blackert, [email protected]
Cockeysville Middle School is a
Distribution Partner of Maryland Food Bank

We would like to thank
Hunt Valley Church,

St. Joseph’s Catholic Church


for their support and donations