What are the school hours?
Our school day has been extended by 15 minutes. School doors open at 7:30 AM - no students will be admitted before that time. The morning bell rings at 8:00 am. At this time, you must be seated in your Advisory/Homeroom seat.
Dismissal is now at 2:45 PM for all students. Walkers and car riders will be dismissed at the same time. No parents are allowed in the bus loop at dismissal until all buses have come and left. Students should be picked up on Greenside Drive at the safe drop off/pick up zone where the crossing guard is stationed.
How many classes are in a normal school day?
There are eight classes in a day including lunch, but ten periods. Two of your classes will have two numbers combined, like 5/6 or 7/8, but they will still only be 45 minutes long like your others.
What are the class times?
CMS Bell Schedule 2023-2024
What are A-days and B- days?
At Cockeysville, we have things called A-days and B-days. Your schedule for art and music depends on the A-day / B-day schedule.
A-day / B-day schedule
What happens when there is a delay or closing?
If you suspect there will be a closing or delay, you can go to the Baltimore County Public Schools website and you will find the information at the top of the screen. Also, radio and television stations post the closings and delays.
If we need a modified schedule, we will use either a 1-hour late, 2-hour late, or half day schedule.
How do the lockers work?
All students will be assigned a locker this school year. All 6th grade students will receive a FREE lock from CMS - no outside locks are allowed. This lock will remain with your child when he or she leaves CMS, and they will be able to use it all 3 years. You can open your locker at the beginning of the school day, before and after lunch, and at the end of the day. If you need to visit your locker at other times during the day, you will need a pass from your teacher.
Students who may have lost their locks or new 7th and 8th grade students will need to purchase a lock from the front office for $5 CASH.
Students will also need a PE CMS lock for their PE locker to secure their belongings. The cost is $5 CASH, and this lock must be purchased from their PE teacher.
How many teachers do we have?
In 6th grade, you'll have 9 teachers: you have five academic teachers you will see every day, one phys ed teacher you will see every day, and two special area teachers (Art and Music) you will see every other day. In 6th grade, students can take Business/Computer Science 6 as an elective. This will take the place of either Art or Music.
In 7th grade, you'll have 8 teachers: you have five academic teachers you will see every day, one phys ed teacher you will see every day or every other day and two special area teachers (Art and Music) you will see every other day.
In 8th grade, you'll have 8 teachers: you have five academic teachers you will see every day, one phys ed teacher you will see every day or every other day and two special area teachers (Art and Music) you will see every other day. We also have other electives such as PLTW, AVID, and Business/Computer Science 8 available to 8th graders.
How many students are in a regular classroom?
It depends on the classes, but normally there are about 25-30 students in each class.
What specials are there?
In 6th grade, the specials are Art, Phys. Ed./Health, Music and Business/Computer Science 6.
In 7th grade, the specials are Art, Phys. Ed./Health, and Music.
In 8th grade, the specials are Art, Phys. Ed. /Health, Music, PLTW, AVID, and Business/Computer Science 8.
How do I qualify for Honor Roll?
The basis for eligibility will be letter grades, "A"s and "B"s with a maximum of one "C".
That "C", however, must be balanced by at least one "A".
One or more "D" or "E" will automatically exclude a student from the honor roll for that quarter.
Character traits or citizenship will not be a consideration for eligibility.
Eligibility is based entirely on academic achievement.
How do I apply to get into a Advanced Academic/GT Class?
There is a formal application process to apply for Advanced Academic/GT classes. Visit the Advanced Academic/GT page of this website for details.