CMS Athletics
Fall: Cross County, Badminton, Allied Soccer
Winter: Boys and Girls Basketball, Allied Bocce Ball, Cheerleading
Spring: Track & Field, Tennis, and Allied Softball
To purchase tickets to the basketball games, please go to
To provide an enjoyable educational experience for young adolescents based on their developmental characteristics and needs. The development of self-esteem, citizenship, responsibility and skills in cooperative and leadership behaviors are positive outcomes of appropriate middle-level athletic programs.
Mark Salansky is our CMS Athletic Advisor. Any questions in reference to CMS Athletics, please contact the sponsor or him for more information.
Mark Salansky, [email protected]
ALL middle school students are academically eligible for FALL sports as long as they were promoted to the next grade going into this year.
Moving forward with winter and spring sports, the eligibility requirements will return to what they were pre-covid (2.0 GPA and no more than 1 failing grade the preceding quarter).
Students in the VLP are eligible to participate in athletics at their home schools.
Physicals are now valid for 14 months.
First practice date is to be announced.
• Each program will operate for six weeks from mid-September until late October and serve 6th - 8th grade students.
• Practice will be held for at least 90 minutes four days per week after school but cannot exceed two hours per day.
• Teams may not practice on days when school is dismissed early because of inclement weather (snow, ice, flooding, etc.).
Jennifer Wong, [email protected]
Allied Bocce Ball
Modeled after the Special Olympics’ "Unified Sports" program, Allied Sports is a totally inclusive program that affords students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in interscholastic sports alongside their non-disabled peers.
Mallory Cicchino, [email protected]
Sideline chants and cheers to support CMS boys and girls basketball teams at home basketball games. Cheerleader candidates will be evaluated at try-outs to determine team placement. Try -out material will be provided. The team will be capped at a maximum of 15 athletes. No stunting!
Lauren Strine, [email protected]
Cross Country
Cross Country is an after school running group that meets from September- early November. Any student can join the cross-country club. Competitions are also held at various middle schools around the county. The runs vary in distance but are typically 1-2 miles in length. Physical examination, athletic permit, and health history forms are required for participation and can be picked up from any physical education teacher.
Kayla Flemmens, [email protected]
1. Purpose of BCPS Middle School Basketball Teams
• To help students understand what is required of a student/athlete when they get to high school. Academics, behavior in school and on the court, sportsmanship and physical discipline are all qualities this program is working to instill in the middle school student/athlete. There is no cost for this program. This is not a recreation program.
• Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade boys/girls who are interested and meet the qualifications below can try-out.
2. Qualifications
All student/athletes must have (requirements by Baltimore County Athletics):
• Completed Athletic Permit Form
• Completed Baltimore County Medical Form (Good for 1 year)
• Concussion Awareness Form
• Proof of health insurance
• Cannot have more than 1 failing grade and 2.0 GPA.
• Students who are 15 years old or older as of August 31 are ineligible to participate in the middle school interscholastic athletic program
All student/athletes must be able to: (CMS requirements)
• To be available to make all practices
• To maintain acceptable academic and behavioral standards
• To play as a team player
3. Try-outs
•to be announced
4. The Season
We play 11-13 games per season against other middle schools in the program. Game times are either 4 pm or 5 pm. The boys and girls teams will alternate game times. All games are played with 6 minute quarters with overtime if needed. The season concludes at the end of January.
Girls: Daniel Van Natta, [email protected]
Boys: Jason Epps, [email protected]
Allied Soccer
Modeled after the Special Olympics’ "Unified Sports" program, Allied Sports is a totally inclusive program that affords students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in interscholastic sports alongside their non-disabled peers.
Mallory Cicchino, [email protected]
Allied Softball
Modeled after the Special Olympics' "Unified Sports" program, Allied Softball is a totally inclusive program that affords students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in interscholastic sports along-side their non-disabled peers. Students participate during the Spring Season and have practice 2-3x a week for an hour after school. Students participate in a culminating game where Allied Softball teams from different middle schools play against one another to celebrate the end of the season. No softball experience is necessary to join!
Mallory Cicchino, [email protected]
Through a partnership among the BCPS Office of Athletics, the BCPS Office of Equity and Assurance, and the Baltimore Tennis Patrons, a free after-school tennis program is offered at Cockeysville Middle School.
The program operates for seven weeks in the spring from approximately mid-March to mid-May and is open to 6th-8th grade students. The program includes a mid-season “play day” and will conclude with an exciting culminating doubles tournament event in which players will compete against other Baltimore County schools. Baltimore Tennis Patrons will supply all necessary equipment and supplies for the program, including racquets and tennis balls but players are encouraged to bring their own racquets if they would like to. Students will learn or improve basic tennis skills and also benefit from the health-and-strength building benefits of interval exercise through tennis. An interest meeting will be announced in the spring to provide students with more information on the program.
Practices are typically Tuesdays-Fridays from 2:30-4:00 pm.
Mark Salansky, [email protected]
Track and Field
The Cockeysville Middle School Track and Field Team accepts all athletes, regardless of ability. During our practices, we will focus on proper warm-ups and cool-downs. Our practices will consist of distances running and sprinting to prepare students for the county track meets. Track and Field is a place where we can have fun while making friends and improving our skills. The spring track season begins in March. There is a mid-season event and a culminating event, both on Saturdays. Be sure to have a physical form on file with our nurse if you plan to participate.
Kayla Flemmens, [email protected]
Please contact the Cockeysville Recreation Council for more information on other sports offerings.
CMS Girls After School Soccer Tryouts 2024 - 082324.pdf