World Language Department Chair: Kristen Denton, [email protected]
Courses Offered:
French Novice A
French Novice B
Spanish Novice A
Spanish Novice B
Intermediate Spanish
BRILLA- Bilingual Readiness for Intellectual Language Learning Advancement

Important World Language information for all our students:
Please look over these documents and familiarize yourself and your student with all their World Language studies has to offer them.
AAPPL - Proficiency Testing Information- ALL BCPS 7th grade students enrolled in a World Language course will participate in AAPPL testing. Learn more about this test and what it assesses.
The Seal of Biliteracy Award- Learn about this prestigious award from the state of Maryland your student can earn and receive upon their high school graduation.
BCPS WL Trajectory - Be sure your student is registering for the correct courses. View the path that your student will take as they transition from CMS to high school.
Public to Private World Language- what to expect- Transitioning from CMS to a private high school? Here is what you need to know.